Gratitude OOOMMM
Natacha Teran – Ma première fois avec le yoga !
YoungSoon Cho-Jacquet – Tu es un rayon de soleil, un petit Bouddha … mon guide depuis plus de 10 ans. J’admire ta capacité à toujours te réjouir des progrès des autres et à les encourager!
Rebecca Hannah – You have the skill to empower others!
Toutes les personnes qui m’ont marqué et avec qui j’ai eu l’opportunité de pratiquer : Maïra Bliggenstrofer, Walther Thirak Ruta, Jean Lechim, Chris Chavez, Camilo Garcia, Andrei Ram, Simon Park, Liza Zogib, Piera Honegger, Léa.
A mes amies, mon ex chéri et ma famille pour le soutien sans faille, la confiance et l'amour
Mes formateurs
Duncan Wong – the coolest, the wildest, the craziest and at the same time the sweetest! I can say, I really love you from my core!
Meghan Currie - You move like water, you are a genius and a magical creature! … Thank you for helping me to re- connect with my sacred feminine and express my sensuality through teaching…
Jenny Sharada - You have changed me for the better...
You are a pure blessing in my life!
A tous mes élèves, vous êtes mes plus grands professeurs

Love More...
"Victoria's strength as a teacher is in her ability to create a space of ultimate acceptance and love. Her grounded and nuturing energy makes you feel at peace and the attention she gives each individual student makes you feel seen, supported and safe. She has a graceful and elegant pace which, when matched with her seamless cueing, allows her to hold the space well."
Meghan Currie & Rachel Wainwright, Canada
"Her method of teaching really stood out for me as a perfect balance of mindful and compassionate whilst being challenging and fun. We all felt that Vicky was really tuned in to our needs and really cared about us. I felt much stronger and more flexible and connected with my body after just 5 days of classes. I wish I could find a teacher like Vicky in London to continue my practice in this way!"
Georgina, London
"J'aime l'intensité de tes cours, l'importance que tu attaches à la symbolique et cette façon de nous motiver, avec douceur et conviction. Il y a une phrase qui m'a particulièrement marquée et qui m'accompagne désormais, "je ne cherche pas à être fort, je suis la force".
Gabrielle, Lausanne
“Les cours de Victoria allient bienveillance, humour et approfondissement de toutes les techniques. Peu importe le niveau que vous avez, elle sera attentive à vous accompagner pour mieux intégrer chaque position. »
Dominique, Paris
"Victoria is a very inspiring yoga teacher. Her classes start with a solid foundation and build unto something very precise. There's always a little hint of humor, creativity philosophy and a solid technique carrying through the class. She's very cautious and respectful of each one's body and encourages to really listen to oneself and to practice yoga with sense and meaning. Victoria's teaching is able to bring something very unique and valuable."
Joëlle, Genève